An android is a type of robot designed to closely mimic humans, both in form and behavior. Multiple models of android were in use on Earth during the Religious War, including basic service models that resembled humans, specialized medical androids, and android superweapons known as necromancers used by the Mithraics.
Androids are powered by an internal system that generates energy from dark photons, a poorly-understood technology that the Mithraic believers claim was developed from scientific formulae that were found to be encoded in ancient Mithraic texts. They are also sustained by white "fuel-blood" that circulates in their bodies. Similar to humans, androids can suffer reduced functionality if they lose too much fuel-blood, but can also be revived through a transfusion of fuel-blood. Androids also develop "silicon tumors" from one of multiple different strains of infectious vectors. It is unknown if silicon tumors are caused by biological means, such as a bacterial infection, or are a normal synthetic occurrence due to how androids are designed.